Art Books and Catalogues (solo or duo)

Stanisław Ignacy Witkiewicz
Jedyne wyjście
Pub. by National Museum in Warsaw and Krupa Gallery, Wrocław, PL, 2022
Script by Wojciech Sztaba
Visual Concept and drawings by Pola Dwurnik

90 pages
Language: Polish
Print run: 1000 copies

ISBN 978-83-…
Ania Malinowska & Pola Dwurnik. Unhappy
Ending. Poems for the Broken / Hearted
Pub. by Apolonia Dwurnik, Warsaw, PL, 2020
Poems: Ania Malinowska
Drawings: Pola Dwurnik
Graphic design by Ania Malinowska & Tomasz Gałdyński
52 pages
Language: English
Print run: 500 copies

ISBN 978-83-937872-3-4
Joanna Bator. Kieszkonkowy atlas mężów Apolonii Dwurnik
/ Apolonia Dwurnik's pocket atlas of husbands
Pub. by Krupa Gallery, Wrocław, PL, 2019
Text by Joanna Bator
Paintings by Pola Dwurnik
Graphic design by Magdalena Jaskułowska
32 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 500 copies

ISBN 978-83-955217-1-3
Pola Dwurnik. Pan Marcin
Pub. by Apolonia Dwurnik, Warsaw, PL, 2019
Drawings and text by Pola Dwurnik
Graphic design by Pola Dwurnik and Marcin Sieczka

56 pages
Language: Polish
Print run: 500 hand-numbered copies

ISBN 978-83-937872-2-7
Agenda 2018
Daniela Pfeil (CH) & Pola Dwurnik (PL)
(Artbook calendar for 2018, a Swiss-Polish collaboration)
Pub. by Apolonia Dwurnik, Warsaw, PL, 2017
Ed. by Daniela Pfeil and Anna C. Fridrich
Graphic design by Lorenz Peter (CH)
168 pages
Language: German
Print run: 500 copies (all numbered)
ISBN 978-83-937872-1-0
Koty. Podręcznik użytkownika
Tomasz Majeran. Pola Dwurnik
(Poetry book)
Pub. by Wydawnictwo Wolno, Lusowo, PL, 2017
Ed. by Jarosław Borowiec
Graphic design by M Studio

104 pages
A poster included
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-946297-3-1 (orange cover)
ISBN 978-83-946297-2-4 (gray cover)
Pola Dwurnik. Piosenka dla Wojtka (Pokonam każdego chłopaka)
/ A Song for Wojtek (I Will Defeat Every Guy)
Pub. by Wrocław Contemporary Museum, Wrocław, PL, 2016
Graphic design by Grupa Projektor

22 pages
Languages: Polish
Print run: 400

ISBN 978-83-63350-25-3
Pola Dwurnik. Girl on Canvas. Dziewczyna na płótnie
Pub. by Apolonia Dwurnik, Warsaw, PL, 2013
Edited by Pola Dwurnik and Izabela Kaszyńska

Texts by Maria Poprzęcka, Olga Tokarczuk, Michał Jachuła, Andrzej Depko,
Piotr Lachmann, Denise Grollmus, Ruth Mitchell, Agata Araszkiewicz,
Wojciech Kozłowski, Anna Zawadzka, Oskar Zięta, Maria Anna Potocka,
Karolina Wiktor, Daniela Pfeil, Konstanty F. Szydłowski, Ewa Toniak,
Emilie Buri, Krzysztof Masiewicz and many others
Graphic design by Dagny & Daniel Szwed (

356 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 (including 100 numbered and signed copies)

ISBN 978-83-937872-0-3
Pola Dwurnik. Erotyczny Ogród Apolonii / Apolonia's Erotic Garden
Pub. by Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków, Cracow, PL, 2012
Texts by Monika Kozioł (interview) and Pola Dwurnik
Translation by Anda MacBride
Graphic design by Rafał Sosin
28 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-83-62435-80-7
Pola Dwurnik. Kronika Towarzyska / Gossip Column
Pub. by Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, PL, 2008
Texts by Adam Mazur and Andrzej Biernowski
Translation by Marcin Wawrzyńczak
Graphic design by Grzegorz Laszuk
140 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 softcover and additional 100 hardcover copies
ISBN 978-83-61156-05-5
Pola Dwurnik. Młodzi malarze krakowscy / Young Cracow Painters
Pub. by Fundacja Potocka, Cracow, PL, 2008
Text by Pola Dwurnik
Translation by Anda MacBride
Graphic design by Pola Dwurnik, DTP by Rafał Sosin
16 pages and stamp edition
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 500 (including 100 numbered and signed copies)
ISBN 978-83-917702-1-4
Pola Dwurnik. Living in Basel
Pub. by Christoph Merian Verlag, Basel, CH, 2007
Text by Emilie Buri
Translation by Margret Powell-Joss
Graphic design by Anna Jabłonowska
112 pages
Languages: English and German
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-3-85616-324-2
Pola Dwurnik: Painting/Malerei
Pub. by Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Basel, CH, 2005
Texts by Robert Schiess, Eugene Datta, Pola Dwurnik
Translation by Margret Powell-Joss
Graphic design by Pola Dwurnik
34 pages
Languages: English and German
Print run: 500 copies
Pola Dwurnik. Portrety banknotów / Portraits of Banknotes
Pub. by Galeria Nova, Cracow, PL, 2003
Text and graphic design by Pola Dwurnik
20 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
Pola Dwurnik. Świetlica
Pub. by Galeria Raster, Warsaw, PL, 2003
Graphic design by Michał Kaczyński and Pola Dwurnik
120 pages
Language: Polish
Print run: 200
ISBN 978-83-916439-2-1
Pola Dwurnik. It Was August…
Pub. by GARBa, Montescaglioso, IT, 2003
Graphic design by Pola Dwurnik, hand-drawn cover
20 pages
Language: English
Limited numbered edition: 30 copies
Pola Dwurnik. Inflacja
Pub. by Galeria Zakręt, Warsaw, PL, 2002
Text by Tomasz Fudala
Interview by Adam Jastrzębski
Graphic design by Pola Dwurnik
12 pages
Language: Polish
Limited numbered edition

Selected Art Books, Catalogues and Other
(group publications)

L’arte differente: MOCAK al MAXXI
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by MOCAK and Museo Nazionale delle Arti del XXI secolo,
Cracow-Rome, 2016
Ed. by Maria Anna Potocka
Texts by Hou Hanru, Jacek Majchrowski, Giovanna Melandri,
Achille Bonito Oliva, Maria Anna Potocka
Graphic design by Rafał Sosin
136 pages
Languages: Italian and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-62435-71-5
Malarki / Women Painters
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Galeria Biała Centrum Kultury w Lublinie, PL, 2015
Ed. by Jan Gryka
Texts by Jan Gryka and Paweł Leszkowicz
Graphic design by Piotr Wysocki
144 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-62191-20-8
XXIV Festiwal Ars Cameralis
(Festival catalogue)
Pub. by Instytucja Kultury Ars Cameralis, Katowice, PL, 2015
Ed. by Kaja Puto and Ars Cameralis team
Graphic design by Marta Gawin
86 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-64172-01-4
Maria Poprzęcka
Arcydzieła malarstwa polskiego. Masterpieces of Polish Painting
Pub. by Wydawnictwo Arkady, Warsaw, PL, 2015
Ed. by Izabela Kunińska
Translation by A. Rodzińska-Chojnowska and J. Holzman
Graphic design by Maryna Wiśniewska
308 pages
Languages: Polish and English
ISBN 978-83-213- 4880-3
Photography album of Tadeusz Rolke
Pub. by Wydawnictwo Bosz, Olszanica, PL, 2015
Ed. by Maria Płażewska
Text by Anda Rottenberg
Graphic design by Andrzej Barecki
208 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-7576- 225-9
Centrum poza centrum, Galeria Szara 2002-2012
Pub. by Strefa Szarej, Cieszyn, PL, 2015
Ed. by J. Rzepka-Dziedzic and Łukasz Dziedzic
Graphic design by Dagny & Daniel Szwed (

244 pages
Languages: Polish, Czech, English
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-83-938735-0-0
Zawód: kurator / Profession: Curator
Pub. by Galeria Miejska Arsenał, Poznań, PL, 2014
Ed. by Marta Kosińska, Karolina Sikorska, Anna Czaban
Graphic design by Tomek Bersz
648 pages
Language: Polish
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-83-61886-55-6
Prof. Maria Poprzęcka
Masterpieces of Polish Painting - Japanese edition
Pub. by Sogen-sha and Wydawnictwo Arkady, JP, 2014
Translators: Katsuyoshi Watanabe, Akiko Kasuya, Mamiko Ogawa
236 pages
Language: Japanese
ISBN 978-4-422-70080-9 C0071
Zeszyt Rysunkowy / Drawing Magazine, No. 3
Pub. by Marta Pieczonko, Natalia Kulka, PL, 2014
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-83-939009-0-9
Róża jest różą / Rose Is a Rose
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Galeria BWA, Tarnów, PL, 2013
Ed. by Ewa Łączyńska-Widz and Jadwiga Sawicka
Texts by Adam Bartosz, William Blake, Urszula Gieroń, Katarzyna Górowska,
Aleksandra Jackowska, Ewa Łączyńska-Widz, Katarzyna Nalezińska,
Maria Poprzęcka, Jadwiga Sawicka, Gertruda Stein
Graphic design by Kaja Gliwa and Mikołaj Moskal
400 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-935538-8-4
Kolekcja MOCAKu III / The MOCAK Collection III
Pub. by MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków, PL, 2013
Ed. by Monika Kozioł, Maria Anna Potocka
Graphic design by Rafał Sosin
240 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-62435-02-9
Preto No Branco #2
(Drawing fanzine)
Pub. and ed. by Tiago Baptista, Lisbon, PT, 2013
64 pages
Language: Portuguese
Dzień jest za krótki / The Day is Not Enough
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Culture and Art Center in Wrocław, Wrocław, PL, 2013
Ed. by Magdalena Ujma
Texts by Inga Iwasiów, Agnieszka Karpowicz, Ewa M. Tatar, Magdalena Ujma
Graphic design by Daria Malicka
240 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-62290-65-9
Ekonomia w sztuce / Economics in Art
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by MOCAK Museum of Contemporary Art in Kraków, PL, 2013
Ed. by M. Kozioł, D. Piekarska, M. A. Potocka
Texts by Georgina Adam, Edwin Bendyk, Willi Bongard,
Łukasz Gorczyca, Jerzy Hausner, Monika Kozioł, Delfina Piekarska,
Maria Anna Potocka, Linde Rohr-Bongard
Graphic design by Rafał Sosin
200 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-62435-57-9
Czas kolażu / Time of Collage
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Galeria Kordegarda, National Culture Center, Warsaw, PL, 2013
Ed. by Marta Czyż
Graphic design by Full Metal Jacket
50 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Don Carlo
(Catalogue of the new production of Giuseppe Verdi's opera
Don Carlo directed by Willy Decker)
Pub. by Polish National Opera in Warsaw, PL, 2013
Ed. by Katarzyna Budzyńska
Graphic design by Bożena Kalinowska
80 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-63432-19-5
Rysunek wraca w wielkim stylu / Drawing Is Coming Back in a Big Way
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Galeria Arsenał, Białystok, PL, 2012
Ed. by Michał Jachuła
Text by Izabela Kopania
Graphic design by Katarzyna Kida
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-83-89778-87-1
The Knot. An Experiment on Collaborative Art in Public Urban Spaces
Pub. by Jovis Verlag, Berlin, DE, 2011
Ed. by Markus Bader, Oliver Baurhenn, Kuba Szreder,
Raluca Voinea and Katharina Koch
Graphic design by Marius Rehmet, studio grau, Berlin
Language: English
ISBN 978-3-86859-115-6
Obok - Nebenan. Das Polnische Kulturprogramm in Berlin
Pub. by Berliner Festspiele, Berlin, DE, 2011
Ed. by Agata Lorkowska
Graphic design by StudioKrimm, Berlin
82 pages
Language: German
Maria Anna Potocka
Wypadek polityczny / Political Accident
(Destopian novel)
Pub. by Delikatesy, Cracow, PL, 2010
Graphic design by Rafał Sosin
36 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-929452-1-5
Mini Manual
Pub. by Galeria Bunkier Sztuki, Cracow, PL, 2010
Ed. by Anna Bargiel
Graphic design by Agata Biskup
104 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 500 copies
ISBN 978-83-62224-06-7
Fukt Magazine for Contemporary Drawing #8/9
Pub. by Revolver Publishing by VVV, Berlin, DE, 2010
Ed. by Bjorn Hegardt
Graphic design by Ariane Spanier
180 pages
Language: English
ISBN 978-3-86895-088-5
77 dzieł sztuki z historią
Ed. by Piotr Bazylko and Krzysztof Masiewicz
Pub. by 40000 Malarzy and Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, Warsaw, PL 2010
360 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-928864-9-5
ISBN 978-83-929527-7-0
Wioletta Grzegorzewska. Inne obroty
(Poetry book)
Pub. by Polish-Canadian Publishing Fund
and Fraza Association, Canada-Rzeszów, 2010
Ed. by Edward Zyman
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-0-921724-59-9
ISBN 979-83-60678-13-8
Like A Rolling Stone
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku
and CSW Elektrownia, Radom, PL 2009
Ed. by Leszek Golec, Romuald Bochyński
Graphic design by Dariusz Adamski
Language: Polish
Print run: 300 copies
ISBN 978-83-928809-9-8

Alfabet polski 1
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by BWA Galeria Miejska w Tarnowie, Tarnów, PL, 2009
Ed. by Ewa Łączyńska-Widz
Graphic design by Łukasz Jastrubczak
160 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-929670-0-2
ISBN 978-83-883751-0-1
Solistki. Anthology of Polish women's poetry 1989-2009
Pub. by Staromiejski Dom Kultury, Warsaw, PL, 2009
Ed. by Maria Cyranowicz, Joanna Mueller, Justyna Radczyńska
Graphic design by Marta Ignerska
240 pages
Language: Polish
ISBN 978-83-89492-43-1
(Audio CD)
With visual artists: Pola Dwurnik, Adam-X, Rafał Bujnowski,
Twożywo, Anna Okrasko, Karol Radziszewski, Adam Witkowski
Pub. by DUX Recording Producers, Warsaw, PL, 2007
DUX 0596
Total time: 68:18
Malarstwo polskie XXI wieku / Polish Painting of the 21th Century
(Exhibition catalogue)
Pub. by Zachęta National Gallery of Art, Warsaw, PL, 2006
Ed. by Agnieszka Morawińska
Graphic design by Jan Bokiewicz
204 pages
Languages: Polish and English
Print run: 1000 copies
ISBN 978-83-89145-92-8
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